Our Dungeons of Hinterberg Map Information will go over every predominant zone of the sport, together with achievements which are tied to sure areas.
Dungeons of Hinterberg has 4 predominant areas, every containing a lot of dungeons, chests, and scenic spots. Some areas are locked behind story development, whereas others shall be too troublesome with out acquiring higher gear first.
We have marked the common chests on every map with star icons.
Animal Lover Achievement
To feed a cow, head to the flag marker we have positioned on the north east a part of the map. Right here, you may discover a cow that may be interacted with for the achievement.
Water You Trying For? Achievement
Within the south west facet of Doberkogel close to the Jelly Tunnels you may discover a waterfall. Head behind it to discover a chest (we have marked it with a “?” on the map) and get the achievement.
To really open the chest, you first must turn into mates with Thea. The chest comprises 5,000 Hinterbucks.
Grove Trove Achievement
The Grove Trove achievement in Dungeons of Hinterberg solely requires you to open the locked chests in Hinterwald, quite than all that may be discovered within the sport.
We have marked the locked chests with “?” markers on the map. Opening them requires you to befriend Thea.
Mushroom Isles
The Mushroom Isles dungeon is not accessible from the beginning. To unlock it, you could befriend the Canine in Hinterberg.
Kolmstein has no particular achievements tied to it.
Brunnelsumpf has no particular achievements.
Unlocking the Lighthouse Reef dungeon requires you to activate three lighthouses present in Brunnelsumpf. We have marked these with circle icons on the map.
That is all for our Dungeons of Hinterberg Map Information! Be sure that to take a look at extra of our content material on the sport under.