Find out about the entire Rune Slayer Lessons on this information, which covers the principle stats, passive skills, and degree milestone unlocks.
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Rune Slayer Lessons
Lessons, stats, passives, and talents.
Ranged class with a bow and arrow.
Stamina +1Spirit +1Agility +1
Fundamental Options
Degree Milestones
Degree 1 Degree 5Status Impact Ability – Battle Aura Degree 6Focus Coaching (will increase the regeneration pace of Focus) Degree 8DMG Ability – Evasive ShotPassive Skill – Initiative Degree 10Power Shot turns into Multi-Shot (fires 3 arrows) and Triple Shot (fires an AoE of three arrows) Degree 12Status Impact Ability – Mark (decreases DMG taken by 5% for you and your pet) Degree 15Honing Arrow DMG Ability – Auto ShotBattle Aura turns into Fierce Battle Aura (will increase total DMG)Swift Battle Aura (will increase total motion pace)Fortified Battle Aura (decreases your DMG taken) Degree 17Focus Coaching II (will increase the regeneration of Focus) Degree 20Bow Mastery (will increase bow DMG by 10%)
Ranged magic consumer!
Fundamental Options
Mild ArmorStaff Coaching
Degree Milestones
Degree 1Mana ArrowAuto goals on the enemy with an arrow with 15 base DMG Degree 2Lesser StrengthCast a spell that will increase your Power for five minutes Degree 3Lesser IntellectCast a spell that will increase your Mind for five minutes Degree 4Lesser DexterityCast a spell that will increase your Dexterity for five minutes Degree 5Magic ShieldSummons a bubble that shields you and reduces incoming injury for the following 5 hits Degree 6Conjure FoodSpend Mana to create meals to revive 200 HP in whole Degree 7Conjure WaterSpend Mana to create water to drink, which restores 150 Mana in whole Degree 8Arcane Armor (passive potential)Armor stat scales off of your Mind Degree 10Mana BombThrow an arc of Mana on the enemy
The therapeutic class!
Fundamental Options
Mild ArmorStaff Coaching
Degree Milestones
Degree 1Holy LightHeals the goal or your self by 45Drains 50 Mana Degree 3Lesser IntelligenceBuffs the Mind of your self and your allies by 10 for five minutesDrains 50 Mana Lesser StrengthenBuffs the Power of your self and your allies by 10 for five minutesDrains 50 Mana Lesser DexterityBuffs the Agility of your self and your allies by 10 for five minutesDrains 100 Mana Degree 4DispelGets rid of debuffsDrains 85 Mana Degree 5Holy ShieldShield the goal to forestall oncoming DMGDrains 50 Mana Degree 10Holy FireAttack your opponent with hearth, dealing 5 DMG over timeDrains 50 Mana Degree 11Mana Coaching IIncreases the regeneration pace of your Mana Degree 13Holy ImbueBasic assaults deal Holy DMGDrains 35 Mana Degree 16IntelligenceIncreases Intelligence by 25 for five minutesDrains 100 Mana DexterityIncreases Dexterity by 25 for five minutesDrains 100 Mana StrengthenIncreases Power by 25 for five minutesDrains 100 Mana Degree 17Flash HealA fast 30HP heal!Drains 85 Mana Degree 20SmiteAttacks your enemy with 30 Holy DMGDrains 50 Mana Later RangesDegree 21Mana Coaching IIIncreases your Mana regeneration pace Degree 22Holy ReachHealing spells have a higher vary Degree 24 Degree 26Purging FlamesSmite can refresh the Holy Hearth cooldown Degree 27Divine VolleyA bolt that heals targets by 65 however can even deal 25 injury to enemies Degree 28Greater IntelligenceIncreases Intelligence by 50 for five minutes Better StrengthenIncreases Power by 50 for five minutes Better DexterityIncreases Dexterity by 50 for five minutes Degree 31Greater SmiteDeals 60 Holy DMG and throws enemies into the air Degree 32 Degree 33ClaritySpells not value mana and your Important Strike Likelihood will increase Degree 34Blessed HealsCritical Heals bless the goal by rising DMG discount by 15% and boosting their pace for 8 seconds Degree 35Divine HealingHealing spells additionally heal you by 40% even when focused at an ally Degree 37Radiant SpiritIntellect will increase scaled off of your Spirit Degree 38Angelic GuardianBless an ally to extend the therapeutic results and revive them Degree 40Surveria’s LightRestores a excessive quantity of HP
Focuses on the fists.
Fundamental Options
Mild ArmorGauntlet Coaching
Strike BraceUse each fists to strike the enemy and lunge ahead Vertical Strike Battle AuraIncreases Velocity by 5%, Assault Energy by 25, and reduces DMG taken for 20 seconds Speedy StrikesQuick punches in succession Energy StrikeCharging the strike makes it deal extra injury however drains 30 Focus
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Fundamental Options
Heavy ArmorSword Coaching
Degree Milestones
Degree 1Slashing Strike (offers 10 Bodily DMG and drains 25 Focus)
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Power +1Agility +3Stamina +1
Fundamental Options
Medium ArmorDagger Coaching